30 September 2011


Last week I was out of town for a few days, and the weather was -- crap.  Rainy, chilly, ugly crap.  Then, I get back home to Chicago and the weather is also crap.  More rainy, chilly, ass-ugly crap.  Normally, I'd just scoff at the rain and put some warm clothes and a jacket on, but I've developed a nasty cold too.  Rather than let a cold turn into something serious, running had to take a short break.  Better to lose a few days of training than a couple of weeks.  Still, nothing was going to stop me from running in the Komen Race for the Cure 10k with my mother, a 10 year survivor, there to enjoy the festivities, and from what she tells me, in comparison to other Komen runs, Chicago knows how to put on a good show.  The race site was muddy from days of rain, and we got soaked by showers during the run, but it was still a great event to be a part of.  Afterwards, I started coughing, but it was worth it.  This entire week was spent trying to get over this cold getting as much sleep as possible.  Last night, I felt well enough for a 5 mile run, so I made my way to Niketown Chicago, and did my 5 with the Run Club.  Despite being benched from running for almost a week, I felt fine, but whether it was the run or the chill of the wind during the walk home, today, my nose is running more than I am.  Again I sit looking out a window daydreaming of running.  Right now, it's about getting outside, not about training.  It's about running as far as I can,  and not about checking the miles off a schedule.  I don't want to run.  I need to run.

Honoring Survivors on stage

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