20 April 2012

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Today In Running History

Gear Geek: Nike+ Fuelband

The Nike+ Fuelband is a great motivational tool for anyone who is or wants to be more active.  It gets addictive, looking at your wrist a few dozen times a day to see how far away you are from reaching your fitness goal.  Before I even get dressed in the morning, the Fuelband goes on my wrist.  After selling out a few times, nikestore.com now has all sizes available.  Niketown NYC may also have them in stock.  I highly recommend getting it!

19 April 2012

Boston Envy

     Watching the Boston Marathon on TV last Monday, I couldn't help but imagine that one day I'd be able to run the historic race.  One day.
     In the meantime, Nike Running created the Marathon Challenge to Nike+ users to run 26.2 miles between April 13-17.  Overall, I completed 38.86 miles.  First place finished 76.89 miles.  Nice job!
     Looking at the qualifying times for the Boston Marathon, and then glancing at my times, then back again, I think to myself, "I'll never make that time."  Just before I begin to accept my weaknesses, I remember that once upon a time not so long ago I didn't think I'd be able to run 3 miles, but I did.  Then, I didn't think I'd be able to run 6, but I did.  I'd never be able to run 13.1, but I did, many times.  In January, I finished my first marathon, and now, I'm looking at the schedules of upcoming ultramarathons.
     For all of you starting to run or considering running, it may be hard at first and you may feel you can't do it, but you'll surprise yourself with what you can accomplish and overcome.  Good running and I'll see you -- at the starting line.

12 April 2012

From Around the Trail

"Be Aware: Assaulted on the Bloomington Rail Trail" by Miranda Addonizio"

This is a story from runnersworld.com by a woman who was assaulted while running.  It's scary to read, because I know it can happen to anyone.  It gives me chills just imagining it happening to people I know and care for.  Be careful and be aware out there.

11 April 2012

Vintage Running

The other day, I decided to go old school and lace up my Nike Oregon Waffles on for a 13 miler along the Lakefront Trail heading north from Navy Pier to ... wherever it was I turned around.  It was a good run, but I rolled my ankle on a break in the sidewalk around mile 10 -- not pleasant.  Some people wonder if it's a problem running in vintage shoes with their lack of modern cushioning.  It doesn't bother me at all since I enjoy running in minimal shoes such as racers and barefoot designs, and I figure, if it was good enough for those great runners of the past, it should be just fine for me.

Running Blues

The starting line of the 2012 Big Sur International Marathon is something I will miss in a few weeks.  I've decided not to participate, because airfare is ridiculously expensive.  It was a difficult decision to make.  One which I am still coming to terms with.  Since, I have been in a running depression where I just don't feel like running.  Even when I do run, I just don't get the same satisfaction from knocking out a good distance.  I think I need a good race to lift me up.  Till then, sometimes you've got to just get out there and run.
This is how I get my fix.

Gear Geek: Try These!