The Nike+ Fuelband is a great motivational tool for anyone who is or wants to be more active. It gets addictive, looking at your wrist a few dozen times a day to see how far away you are from reaching your fitness goal. Before I even get dressed in the morning, the Fuelband goes on my wrist. After selling out a few times, now has all sizes available. Niketown NYC may also have them in stock. I highly recommend getting it!
I'm assuming you can't submerge this under water without it breaking?
ReplyDeleteCorrect. Unfortunately, the Fuelband is only water resistant not waterproof which means you can earn Fuel in the shower or in the rain, but not on a good swim. I really wish Nike would come out with a Nike+ product that is waterproof. Lack of waterproofing is the reason I switched my Garmin 610 to the Garmin 910xt. But the Fuelband is still a great product. I've been getting a few questions from others today about it, so I'll post a complete review in the next few days.